Welcome To Our Online Spiritual School
Life Academy
Inspiring You To Reach toward your Success
the online spiritual school of Master Psychic Spiritual Conscious Creation Coach Lisa Long

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Live Zoom Master Class
Join our Master Classes, Become a Conscious Creator and live your best life!
Master Classes
Infinite Abundance & Fun!
MasterClass | PreRecorded | 6 Audios | Bonus Video | Intermediate
For spiritual seekers just like you to use simple tools that work to help you flow forward with grace and ease without months of doing inner work and you can learn this in a few hours.
Level-Up with Lisa Long!
HIGH LEVEL MasterClass | PreRecorded | 12 Modules | Videos | Audios | Bonuses | Advanced Level
This advanced level masterclass Lisa recorded several years ago has advanced level training for spiritual people to help you flow forward with conscious awareness to create your reality.
Expert Reviews
Some “Love Notes” from my wonderful students.
qi-taichi.ca, Nelson, BC

Oh, My, That Which Cannot Be Named Lisa!!!
After the writing session yesterday, things cracked wide open, and I am totally in flow…like holy flow!
My body has been tingling all along as I write and plan, and organize.
I am so excited to actually experience the flow and ease that so many speak of when
I am in synch with the Universe
– A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!
I have not second-guessed or belabored a single thing since yesterday morning.
All in Divine Timing…I am wrapping up one program and transitioning into your
I’m super excited.
Sincerely in the Spirit of Good Health
Connie Lansberg
Transformational Entertainer™ and the highest-streamed jazz artist in Australia

Lisa Long is dedicated to bringing you further along your path and easily removes energetic obstacles you didn’t even know were there.
This kind of guidance is unique to you and your goals and is worth seeking. Focus is everything, and Lisa Long helps you do that.
Fiona Harrold
Bestselling author,
“Be Your Own Life Coach.”
London, UK

I felt so uplifted after Lisa’s clearing meditation.
She is wonderful!
Signy Roberts
CEO, SigComm.net, San Diego

Ever since working with Lisa, things in my life have been phenomenal.
I can’t explain how my life has elevated since working with Lisa.
Here’s a try… I’ve been able to live my life at a higher level.
I have far greater clarity on where I’ve been and where I’m going.
And what this means to me is … I’ve been able to find more confidence.
I’m living every day with more satisfaction, contentment, and joy.
I’ve had rapid movements and improvements in my work and personal relationships.
I learned powerful takeaways from actual actions that I could use right away to elevate my life.
From Lisa’s teachings, I have been able to:
Live on a higher vibration and stay there longer, Smile even more, Move confidently toward my dreams.
With love & smiles
Ben Corey
Emmy nomination featured entertainer bencorey.com

The power of your event (the first one) is from small moments with Big Impact. I got a LOT out of it. The impact on my life was excellent.
Ben attended my Visionary Entertainment Leaders Conference then he became a speaker at it.
Yumi Katsumata
Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Lisa is like a hamburger to go. What??
Because the result of her work is so fast and she provides only the necessary nutrition. So fast!
Before I met Lisa, I was suffering for 30 years.
I took tranquilizers, flower essence, lots of healing stones, yoga and religious person.
After I met Lisa I realized everything unnecessary now I depend on my own.
I recommend you all Lisa by these reasons through my real experience.
London, UK

It is mind-blowing. It took only three sessions for Lisa to change my energy to help me release my deep childhood wounds.
(It would have taken me 10 years on my own.)
Such a huge positive shift in my life.
As a result of Lisas work, the issues that were bothering me so deeply and everyday are now not bothering me at all. It feels so satisfying not to argue in the mind.
Now it is so easy to find good thoughts.
It is mind blowing how fast Lisa shifted emotions from one end to another.
Master Psychic Lisa is a very powerful woman.
Dorothea Joyce
Author, Healer, Scriptwriter,
Gold Record Winning Songwriter
Mt. Shasta, CA, US

I was initially drawn to Lisa’s websites and talents; however, what really impressed me watching her videos was her Authentic Presence.
She is diversely gifted with the training and worldwide experience to back it up.
Today, it is so rare to meet professionals who will allow the space to meet new visionaries, like myself, who are paving new ways to interface with the ‘Collective Mind.’
I was received, and Lisa has been very generous in guidance, while simultaneously using discernment and exercising good boundaries.
Carving a new path herself, Lisa is one of the gems, shining above rest.
Kathleen Brooks
HOVE, Hawaii, US

I remember the very first energy clearing had from Master Psychic Lisa Long some 14-15 years ago.
The energy was like standing next to a high voltage energy and that was long distance (over the telephone from Hawaii).
And now. Wow.
One more thing, I was always way more in tune with my own intuition after a clearing with Lisa.
She is a natural magnet to higher energy fields.
Her classes are great!
She is always so compassionate.
Oregon, US

The first time I talked to Lisa, she changed my life.
Wanting to know a future with a current boyfriend, she helped me understand he would never commit.
Instead she said there was another man who would come into my life, if I was open to it. I was, he did, and now I’m marrying him thanks to Lisa.
Lisa can teach us so many things if we are willing listen. She hears our spirit guides and passes their messages on. She teaches awareness and helps show us how to trust our inner selves.
I highly recommend Lisa. She is a gift, very much worth the time of unwrapping the present if only you are open to it.

Ashland, Oregon, US

Lisa is the teacher I have been seeking.
During her workshop, money began coming to me unexpectedly.
Since taking your classes…
I imagined a BMW that I was wanting and brought it.
I discovered that to my surprise I had $1500 additional monthly income.
Increase cash flow non-related to my job now put me in a position to “retire” within the next year.
From another source I will also receive an additional $500 a month.
Also, improvement in my friendships, so many people wanting to be my friend.
You have positively changed my life.
Bonnie M.
Maui, Hawaii, US

Fabulous first class… I’m not the same person I was an hour ago, wow!!
Crying and yawning and letting go!
Amazing super duper fantastic.
Omgosh, another stellar class wow! Thank You.
Thank you so much for yesterday!! I feel more empowered now and know things will work out.
This Master Class was an insightful and meaningful experience that was really helpful to me to get on the right track to project my future into the now.
Your mentoring has changed my life and I will support you any way I can.
Oh my gosh Lisa you are always right on the money!
I have found so much healing and ever increasing awareness of who I am and what the truth is all about. Thank you Divine Lisa for your gifts to me. Aloha Nui Loa!
The Secrets of The Universe – Revealed!
Discover how the Universe really works as you experience a higher level of consciousness and awareness.
Purchase to get your private access link to the high-level recording of this MasterClass presentation that was recorded in powerful Mt. Shasta, CA a couple of years ago.
#1 Bestseller Book
1 Habit For
Entrepreneurial Success
Co-Authored by Steven Samblis with contributions from Lisa Long, Forbes Riley and Les Brown.
#1 Bestseller EBook
5 Easy Steps To Meditation and Be Meditating In 5 Minutes
by Lisa Long. Join the email list above to get your free copy.

Master Psychic Spiritual High-Performance Coach and Teacher
Lisa Long
For Private Sessions Visit LisaLong.com
Offered For A Limited Time