I created this to help people dealing with health issues. 

Toxic Attitude and Thoughts

It all starts with vibration, attitude, and low-level thoughts. Like attracts like.

Are you scared or worried? Tired of life or frustrated?

If you continue with that attitude, Source will take you home where you will be happy. 

Death is not a punishment; it is a relief. 

Toxic thoughts lead to toxins in the body. You are attracted to things that contain them, and they find a home—the Law of Attraction.


Some toxic thoughts eat you up inside. Cancer is one manifestation of something eating you up inside. 

What is bugging you? Are you mad at someone?


Go out into nature and scream at the ground. Bang your fists on some soft dirt or grass and cry out.

Or do it with a pillow at home when you are alone. Let those old emotions go. Then take a shower and change your clothes, so you don’t carry that energy with you.

Even something little over time can build up, like a rock in your shoe.

What are you feeling? 

Acknowledge it, don’t judge and suppress it. The more you release whatever it is, bring it up, acknowledge it and release it, the more that it will go away. 

Look Forward

Most important is you need to look forward to something you desire. You create your reality by asking internally, and you manifest your creations by catching up with what you have wanted. 

If you as a healthy being is what you desire, LOOK forward to the fun you will have as you achieve that state of Being. 

What will you do? Where will you go? 

Think about that; feel it. Even if it takes a little while to get there, that is okay; people live much longer now. 

Focus forward to something fun in your future. Imagine achieving something you have always wanted to achieve. Focus ahead to enjoying life at a higher level. 

It will happen if you focus forward because you have already created it. 


But once something’s in the material plane (your life and body), it’s good to deal with it on all levels, including your thoughts and body. Release it.

Find yourself a body cleanse; there are many online. A good one to start with is “First Cleanse” or a similar product. 

Then work your way to a master cleanse or whatever FEELS best for you. You have guidance, follow it.


Change your diet to organic and natural as best as you can. Do what feels right for you, and don’t judge yourself. 

If your body says I want to eat this, eat it. Let your body eat it without judgment because your body knows what it needs. It’s sort of like a pregnant woman. Your body will seek what it requires in its healing journey. 


One of the things I’ve learned in my research over the years is that if you keep your body alkaline, it is a lot easier for it to stay healthy. It will reset to its healthy state if you give it a chance. 

But in our modern society, we have many processed foods and things that contain toxins and are acidic, and the body prefers an alkaline environment. 

It’s sort of like a stagnate pond. 

The Pond

Have you ever seen a pond where there’s very little water flowing? It starts getting stale, ugly, and smelly. All kinds of weird things grow in it.

That’s how your body is; you need to move it and drink lots of water for it not to get stale. Keep the energy and systems flowing.

Pure Water and Movement

Your body needs movement and fresh, pure water to keep itself clear and clean. And that movement includes whatever you can do, like walking, stretching, swimming, etc. Running if you can. Just going outside helps. 

I hike, run, and climb small rocks. It’s fun. Do something fun for you.

Get up every hour from the computer. Many health and fitness apps now tell you every hour to get up and move and do 250 steps. That helps to keep things flowing.


Many of the things we do are acidic: like coffee, chocolate, meat, and liquor. So the idea is if you’re going to do those things, you don’t judge them or yourself. 

I like my coffee. I like having a drink once in a while. I chose these things, and I enjoy them. But at the same time, I do something to balance them. 

I fast once or twice a year. I eat organic when possible.

I run, I move, and I have a positive attitude. I drink Vitamin C water or Lemon water every morning. Lemon water, lime water, even oranges, even though they are acidic, alkalize your body. 

Baking Soda 

One of the things I do to keep my body alkaline is I add a small pinch of Baking soda in my water at night before I go to bed. I can feel my body alkalize immediately. I have been doing this for years.

You can also buy PH Strips online. You urinate on them first thing in the morning to see if your body’s alkaline or acidic. 

I recommend a natural brand baking soda, and it costs almost nothing to add this to your water and life.

Master Cleanse

I have done the Master Cleanse a 100 times, once for 20 days. It gets easier the more you do it.

I know quite a few people who have cured their cancer with the Master Cleanse Fast. The Master Cleanse is one of the easiest things to do, and it helps your body release any toxins. It is simple to make Lemon water. It’s Fasting; you don’t eat anything for a few days.

The Master Cleanse contains; organic lemon, organic maple syrup – grade B (more vitamins than grade A, but either work) and organic cayenne pepper. It’s pretty watered down lemon aid. You drink it with lots of water for at least three days. 

And I know one lady who cured her cancer many years ago with the cleanse. They wanted to remove her uterus and ovaries; she already had three children and desired more. She did the master cleanse for 30 days. After that, she went back to the hospital for tests, and they were mad at her because she cured herself in a month without them. Since then, she has had four more children, she’s in her sixties, and her kids are in their thirties and forties.

Poor Man’s Chemo

It contains baking soda and maple syrup (again). Only this time, you cook them both together like candy, and then you eat one teaspoon a day. This one’s been useful for many people.

Many Helpful Foods

There are hundreds of helpful healing foods. Some say the cure for cancer is Avocado, Black Walnut, and Asparagus puree. I tend to believe that from my other research. Black walnut kills parasites, avocado, and asparagus are very healthy for the body.

Check out this website. It does not have black walnut in this recipe but looks healthy, yummy, and it would be easy to add it: http://thecrushingcancerkitchen.com/sauce/avocado-hollandaise-with-black-garlic-roast-asparagus/.

There’s are so many easy and healthy ideas that help you heal, which costs you nothing to try. Google them.

But of course, also check with your doctor.

These suggestions are non-invasive and easy to do. Most doctors nowadays encourage people to find whenever they can that works for them. 

Modern Medicine

It also works for many, and I have had clients with success using Chemo, Surgery, and Radiation.

So try whatever works for you and make it easy and fun. There are millions of people healing themselves. You can be one of them.

